Chapter 5

Meeting Arcane Government

      "Water is back," said Light Princess.

      "Okay, we are ready to move out to Arcane Government." said Legendary Wizard.

      Our heroes are sailing to Freedom Island to request some reinforcements from Arcane Government, "Hold it right there! Who are you? And why are you here?" said AG Soldier.

      "Sorry for our intruding, we are the Legendary Heroes who ends the Darkness for good." said Legendary Wizard, "we are here to ask for some reinforcements from you."

      "You have to talk to our ruler first, then he will decide." said AG Soldier.

      "Where is your ruler?" said Water Princess.

      "He is on that big ship over there." said AG Soldier.

      "Okay, got it." said Legendary Wizard.


      "So, you are here to speak to me?" said AG Ruler.

      "Yes, we are asking you for some reinforcements," said Legendary Wizard.

      "Hmm, what kind of situation is it?" said AG Ruler.

      "Attack on Darkness's Home Base to end the slavery." said Legendary Wizard.

      "Man, sounds really serious." said AG Ruler, "let me see what soldiers I have so I can decide what reinforcements you can use."

      "Okay, thanks AG Ruler." said Legendary Wizard.

      "I will give you this device, use it when you are ready for the attempt," said AG Ruler.

      "Alright, I will." said Legendary Wizard.

      Our Heroes have allied with Arcane Governments forces to increase their cause while their ruler is planning what soldiers should come with them.
